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Play All Video Format with MpcStar Video Player

Play All Video Format

MpcStar 3.8 Release Date: 2009-06-11
Download Free MpcStar 3.8 to Play All Videos Format
MpcStar 3.8 File Size: 33.90 MB
MpcStar Website

Play All Videos Format : MpcStar plays all format of the videos from your video library or any video you have downloaded from the internet. MPCSTAR is a package of video player and many video codecs. MpcStar contains a user-friendly Tiger Player and carefully seletected codecs to support various video formats, including Windows Media 9 Series Codecs, ffdshow Codec, RealPlayer Codecs, QuickTime Codecs and more. With MpcStar , you would be able to play all your videos in its compact display mode.