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SearchMyFiles Features

SearchMyFiles Windows Search Alternative allows you to make a very accurate search that cannot be done with Windows search. For Example: You can search all files created in the last 10 minutes with size between 500 and 700 bytes.

After you made a search, you can select one or more files, and save the list into text/html/csv/xml file, or copy the list to the clipboard.

SearchMyFiles is portable, and you can use it from a USB flash drive without leaving traces in the Registry of the scanned computer.

SearchMyFiles Features:

  • Base Folder: Specifies the folder that you want to scan. if ´Scan Subfolders´ option is also checked, all subfolders under this folder will also be scanned. You can also specift multiple folders, delimited by semicolon. For example: c:\temp;d:\myfolder;d:\nirsoft
  • Excluded Folders: Allows you to specify one or more folders (delimited by semicolon) that you want to exclude from the scan. For example: If you want to scan you entire C: drive, but without C:\Windows and C:\Documents and Settings, you should type ´C:\´ in the Base Folder, and ´C:\Windows;C:\Documents and Settings´ in the Excluded Folders field.
  • Files Wildcard: Specifies the wildcard for scanning the files. You can specify multiple wildcards delimited by semicolon, for example: *.exe;*.dll;*.ocx
  • Subfolders Wildcard: Specifies the wildcard for scanning the subfolders. For example, If you want to only scan the subfolders beginning with ´a´ letter, you can specify a*.* in this field.
  • File Contains: Allows you to search by the content of the files. You can make a text search or binary search. On binary search, you should specify the binary sequence that you want to search in Hex dump format, for example: ´A2 C5 2F 8A 9E AC´.
  • File Size: Specifies that you want to search files in specified size range (For example: search all files with size between 238 and 741 bytes).
  • Attributes:Specifies that you want to search files with specific attributes. For example: if you want to find all files that are read-only but are not hidden, you should select ´Yes´ for Read Only attribute and ´No´ for Hidden attribute.
  • File Time: Allows you to search files that have been created, modified, or accessed in the specified time range. You can specify an accurate time range (For example: 10/12/2008 12:32:11 - 12/12/2008 13:32:56) or you can specify the last number of seconds/minutes/hours/days. For example, you can search all files that have been modified in the last 10 minutes.
  • Search Subfolders: If this option is checked, SearchMyFiles will scan all subfolders under the specified base folders.
  • Find Folders: If this option is checked, SearchMyFiles will search for folders according to the other search options. If this options is not selected, SearchMyFiles will only search for files.