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Firefox 3.5 Final Download

Firefox 3.5 Final Release Date: 2009-06-30
Firefox 3.5 Final File Size: 7.74MB Win

Firefox 3.5 Final  

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Firefox 3.5 Final has released with some major improvement and new features. Here are some of the new features in Firefox 3.5.

New TraceMonkey JavaScript Engine : Firefox 3.5 includes the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine that makes it more than twice as fast as Firefox 3’s SpiderMonkey engine. JavaScript engines are responsible for handling  JavaScript web applications and pages in a Browser. Firefox 3.5 TraceMonkey is build to handle modern days javascript based web applications and pages to feel snappier and more responsive.

Private Browsing and Forget This Site: Firefox 3.5 added tow new features ‘Private Browsing’ and ‘Forget This Site’ that improves your browsing privacy and security. Like Google Chrome’s ‘Incognito’ and Internet Explorer’s ‘InPrivate’ browsing mode, Firefox 3.5 now has a ‘Private Browsing’ mode that will not keep any history, cookies, search, download, usernames, or passwords from your browsing session. Firefox 3.5 ‘Forget This Site’ will do the same job in the normal browsing mode, this option will remove all the trace of a specific website.

HTML 5 and New CSS Support: Firefox 3.5 introduced support for the HTML 5.  With HTML 5 Firefox 3.5 now handles audio and video elements, offering the ability to easily embed media into HTML documents. So we do not need any plugins to play audio and video that are embed using HTML 5 tags in a website.

Embedding media in your HTML document is trivial:

<video src="" controls> 
  Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element. 

New CSS gives option to web designer to link any fonts to CSS sheet and use them in web pages, regardless of whether it is installed on the viewer’s system.

Location Aware Browsing: Firefox 3.5 gives its user to share their location with website and web applications to deliver more useful, more relevant output.  Location Aware is based on your WiFi information using Google Location Services.